Please consider including the Philippine Jesuit Foundation (PJF) and/or any of our beneficiaries in your estate or financial plans. A planned Legacy Gift may provide significant financial or tax benefits while also helping the work of the Philippine Jesuit Province continue for generations to come.

There are various ways to include PJF in your estate or financial plans. The most direct way is to include PJF as one of the beneficiaries in a will (bequest). PJF can also be designated as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, a life insurance policy, a bank account or appreciated securities/portfolio.

As with any major financial decision, please consult your tax, legal, or financial advisor/s about specific details of planned giving, and to determine the tax and legal implications of making such gift/s.

For more information, contact:
Ms. Fern L. Robles
Executive Director, Philippine Jesuit Foundation
+1 (646) 370-1526